25 - 27 June 2018 | Convention Center, University of Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil


The International Deleuze Studies Conference had its first version in 2008 at the Centre for literary studies, Cardiff University, Wales, where Professor Ian Buchanan, the creator of the conference, used to work. Shortly after, the international newsletter Deleuze Studies was launched, published by Edinburgh University Press, of great prestige, which gathers, in English language, a significant set of thoughts and new theorizations and methodological practices at work with the concepts of Deleuze, Guattari and other philosophers of difference. From the year 2017, the newsletter will change its name to Deleuze and Guattari Studies, which will also require the name change of the international conference that has been associated to the newsletter since 2013.

The International Deleuze Studies Conferences have already happened in Europe, Canada, and the USA. There are several editions of another conference in China and other neighboring countries. In 2018, it will be first time that it will happen in Latin America.

10a - Taking flight: assembling, becoming, queering (Toronto, CA) - 2017
9a. - Virtuality, Becoming and Life (Rome, IT) -2016
8a. - Daughters of Chaos: Practice, Discipline, A Life (Stockholm,SE) -2015
7a. - Models, Machines and Memories (Istanbul, TR) - 2014
6a - The territory in Between (Lisbon, PT) - 2013
5a - Deterritorializing Deleuze (New Orleans, USA) - 2012
4a - Creation Crisis Critique (Copenhagen, DK) - 2011
3a- Connect, Continue, Create Deleuze and Nomadic Methodologies (Amsterdam, HL) - 2010
2a- Connect Deleuze. Transdisciplinary Perspectives (Cologne, GER) -2009
1a - The First International Deleuze Studies Conference (Cardiff, Wales/UK) – 2008


The general objective of the Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference is to bring together specialists from different areas of academic and non-academic knowledge to discuss, in depth, some concepts and methodologies that are stemmed from the works of Gilles Deleuze, individually and, over the years, with growing interest in the interface with other philosophers, especially Felix Guattari. The interchange between experts from different countries with graduate students, in an action of continuous formation, and the discussion of emerging perspectives in an interdisciplinary context are also evident marks of the event. Last but not least, the meeting allows the discussion of the relevance and meaning of the concepts of the philosophical field with varied features of contemporary societies.

by Luiz Benedicto Lacerda Orlandi

Humans, complex and unpredictable inhabitants of planet Earth, have always carried in their entrails, in their encounters with the matter and other living beings, a question attached to the movements of their bodies and emotions. It is a simple question, surely already performing in the instincts of other living beings in this same and tortuous territory: what and how to do to explore and recreate conditions of life? Whether virus, molecule, insect, bush, animal or person, it is on each of them that a vital, vast and intricate questioning is imposed. This questioning is variedly reiterated in the nomadisms or whereabouts of all these living beings, obliging each one to rearrange in the ambiance of their milieu and unravel the most disparate signs of a chaotic of perceptions.

It is known that certain strata of humans, through resumptions of learnings imposed to them, or searched by them, have taken their survival techniques to considerable levels. However, a certain blindness related not only to their vital questioning but also to the other living things was created in each being. First, what happened to the benefits reached at each level of creation and production between the beings? These benefits had their distribution submitted to decisions and indecisions of ruling elites throughout the histories of each living lineage. Various procedures of domination and exploitation, were finally absorbed, improved transfigured into a capitalist axiomatic controlled by human sectors. It is an axiomatic expert in draining lives, whatever it is, even when it operates in some sectors of human health care. Expert in seizing means of creation and production. Expert in dipping the most varied powers in the viscosity of their profitable operational fields, whether in soccer or coups (parliamentary, judicial etc).

It is an appropriation able to mesh the beings in the own axioms produced by it. It occurs to such an extent that, captured by vast nets fluxes animated by determined axiomatic of this appropriation, the human beings, as if drugged, fall into a sad and ignorant indifference to something that, now, seems to be something out of this world, those signs of a childhood open to natural and historic questionings of its own vitality. This axiomatic is capable of anything, as long as it is profitable. Wars, slaveries, servitudes, work exploitation, moves of financial capital end up yielding surplus of good lives for some beings and also for some animals of top quality category. And the other beings, even humans? They are the rest, the part of the minorities, the minorities that compose the majority, the minorities more and more considered like rest, rest to be discarded in the perspective of its utility like scrap.

Therefore, it is clear and natural that life germinates some resistance from the side of people under threat of scrapping. For example, the contemporary fights for a better income distributions are vitally worthy as well as the fights for improvements of the public service provided. However, even when these fights occur without a direct connection with movements and manifestations that give resonance to the problems lived by Black People, by Women, by Indians, by Landless Rural Workers, by Homeless, by People Without Fear, by Students, by other living beings, finally, by the planet etc, even so, even if they are placid and peaceful fights, what becomes evident, alongside the coup in progress in Brazil, is a reactionary disrespect endowed with a shamed and ridiculous archaism.

Not only one of the strongest archaism as a means of a communication that became suspicious. A decrepit archaism of the Brazilian portion submerged in the contemporary capitalist axiomatic. The living beings in the current Brazil have received a shamed archaism imposed by the salesmen of natural resources, of waters, of minerals, of petroleum…And this is done “at any cost” to the living beings, both in terms of income distribution and quality of life, at any cost to the humanity of caged humans at work or desperate in the unemployment, at any cost to the trees of the forests that are on sale or devastated in favour of pastures for cattle and meat exportation, at any cost to the democracy itself, even though ‘pseudo’ representative, and of which the archaism has appropriated, burying more and more the idea of a representational democracy that, step by step, can be legitimated by a permanent act of being in correspondence with the problems that are being addressed for the so-called represented.

Given this situation and considering our intellectual engagement with the necessity and with our right to think the problems with radicalness, whether in technics, in arts, in sciences or in philosophy, what are the perspectives that we can glimpse at and which of them can we have a thorough examination? Certainly, we are looking for perspectives capable, not of waging a bloody war against this axiomatic, because this axiomatic can gain strength with wars like that, but perspectives that, aware and open to the multiplicities of worlds, can keep us allied with life, considering that this is our only potency of differentiation, our heterogeneous source of power in questioning differently. It is in this that our multifarious and jolly minoritarian desire invigorates.

The potent alliances with life give us a creative joy. The vital and creative intensifications are what we seek to experiment in the encounters with the differences that singularize ourselves. These differences are what give us an extremely and interesting joy, the joy that offers us what to think about. A joy that remains and incites us to preserve and take it even as a criterion for the selection of market offers, secular or religious, these offers that, separating us from the effective questioning of our concrete problems, try to link us to worlds that cultivate unnecessary necessities or paltry lacks. They are complicit offers of the ridiculous archaism of an axiomatic also indifferent to our nomadisms. The fact remains that, even if instigated by micro-revolutions of opening up to new possible worlds, our nomadisms are not isolationist. They operate by experimentations through the intensive encounters, encounters between heterogeneities incited by a reciprocal vitalization.

These are the outlines of the conference that we are linked to, the D&G Studies Conference 2018.

Themes and topics

The 2018 Conference will be the first to articulate, from within its title, the friendship, the encounter of thoughts and affections, the constitution of Deleuze and Guattari's writing, philosophical, aesthetical and political machinery. In this context, we have proposed the theme of the conference, highlighting the contemporaneity and the vitality of the Deleuzian-Guattarian multiplicity in the sociocultural times of resurgence and powerful action of fascisms that we have been facing in different parts of the world: facisms realted to the discriminations of different orders, which aim to subalternize and depotencialize differences; fascisms that resort to universals, to unity and to homogenization as a priority option within a transcendental plan for life; fascisms that subtract the human from one's singular forces.

The theme of the 11th Deleuze and Guattari Conference - 2018 brings together and traverses the encounters between Deleuze and Guattari, Guattari and Brazil, Deleuze and Brazil, and their reverberations.

At the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), the location of the 2018 Conference, there are several research groups that consider the references of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, in the fields of philosophy, arts, education, language and politics. Since 2009, we have been holding the Deleuze Connections Seminars, which will host its seventh edition in 2017.

In Brazil, the thought of Deleuze and Guattari has impacted the field of Education, at least since the 1990s. Although the educational problematics has not been core in his work, one can see a strong concern with the theme traversing the works of Guattari, who mentions it several times.

As just one example, it is interesting to follow the comments he made in one of his trips to Brazil in the early 1980s about the movement of nurseries and alternative schools. In Mille Plateaux, Deleuze and Guattari affirm that the teacher “en-signa”, that is, insert the child into a set of semiotic coordinates that shape their subjectivity. It is possible to notice a growing movement of working with his concepts in the educational field, by different researchers, in distinct ways. Two areas where this movement is clear are the curriculum studies and Philosophy of Education. Concepts like rhizome, chaosmosis, aesthetic paradigm, plane of immanence, minor education, among others, have been mobilized by authors from different parts of the country to think themes within education. More recently, dissertations and theses have leaned toward this production, identifying and analyzing, in general, the increasing deleuze-guattarian production in specialized newsletters from the field of education. In the present political and social context of the country, with the entrenchment of positions, open and veiled confrontations , political fights for the imposition of a single thought or even a non-thought in schools and educational practices, the micropolitics of desire thought by Deleuze and Guattari are urgent war machines and necessary to face up to the advance of fascist positions. Multiplicity and proliferation of thoughts and actions, differentiation against unification.


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The program of the event aims at the discussion of the concepts and methodologies extracted from the works of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, especially those thought by the two of them, which have urgent interfaces with the field of education in our days

The international and national guests are renowned scholars for their bibliographic production and their social engagement and, throughout their professional lives, they had their formation and research/teaching participation directly with Gilles Deleuze or Felix Guattari.

There will be a special session for the presentation and discussion of the topicality of the book Micropolitics of desire, co-written by Guattari and Suely Rolnik, whose recognition in the international community is still restrict, despite the significant repercussion in the Brazilian academic setting.

Professors Ian Buchanan, Peter Pál Pelbart, Suely Rolnik, Luis Orlandi, Daniel Lins, André Brasil, Anne Sauvagnargues, David Martin-Jones, Eric Alliez, Gregory Flaxman, Veronica Damasceno e Liselott Mariett Olsson are confirmed presences.


Ian Buchanan (University of Wollongong/Australia) – The Territory is Not a Space
Suely Rolnik (The Catholic University of São Paulo/Brasil) - The spheres of insurrection . Suggestions to combat the pimping of life
Adrian Cangi (National University of Avellaneda/ Argentina) – Between the land and the debt. Two ontological problems that affect the practical philosophy of Gilles Deleuze
David Martin-Jones (University of Glasgow/Scotland,UK) – Cinema Against Doublethink: Deleuze, Dussel, World History, and how a World of Cinemas Functions Contra Fascism
André Brasil (Federal University of Minas Gerais/Brasil) – Looking through the invisible: a shamanic critique of the political economy of images
Liselott Mariett Olsson (Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden) Pedagogy Hesitant – For the Force of the Minor Gesture
Veronica Damasceno (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/Brasil) – The individuation and the becoming child of the artist
Peter Pál-Pelbart (The Catholic University of São Paulo/Brasil) - Necropolitics, Biopolitics
Ronald Bogue (University of Georgia/USA) - Making Peace with the War Machine
Daniel Lins (Federal University of Ceará/Brasil) – Bob Dylan “The Nomadic War Machine” – The Guitar – Or “Weapon to Kill Fascists”?
Gregory Flaxman (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hil/USA) – Cosmology, Philosophy, Cinema
Catarina Pombo Nabais (Centre of Philosophy of Science of University of Lisbon (CFCUL) – Technological tattoo: reframing the panoptic
Luis Benedicto Orlandi (University of Campinas/Brasil) – For a trans inter national intensive
Anne Sauvagnargues (University of Paris, Nanterre/France) – Ecological semiotics


8:30am – 9:30am Registration

9:00am – 9:30am Welcome & Opening Remarks

Ian Buchanan

10:45am - Coffee break

Suely Rolnik

12:30pm-1pm - LAUCH OF THE BOOK
O Inconsciente colonial-capitalístico na mira
Suely Rolnik
8:30am – 9:30am Registration


10am - CONVENTION CENTER /UNICAMP - Coffee break

Peter Pál Pelbart

11:45am-1pm - KEYNOTE LECTURE
Ronald Bogue
8:30am – 9:30am Registration

1pm - 2:30pm - Lunch 1pm - 2:30pm - Lunch 11pm - Lunch
2:45pm-3:45pm - KEYNOTE LECTURE
Daniel Lins

Gregory Flaxman
12:30pm - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 2019 Presentation

Anne Sauvagnargues
5:30pm - Coffee break 5:30pm - Coffee break

Pedagogies of Images and Deterritorializations by Deleuze and Guattari
Adrian Cangi
David Martin-Jones
André Brasil

Childhood, pedagogy and multiplicities
Lisellot Mariett Olsson
Veronica Damasceno
Catarina Pombo Nabais

Luis Benedicto Orlandi


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Conference Registration and Abstract Submission

The 11th Deleuze and Guattari Conference Microrevolutions and politics and desire: war machines against fascisms – 2018 is inviting submissions of individual papers and of curated panels of 3-4 presenters.

We strongly encourage you to start preparing a Word document with your 250-word paper abstract and a separate Word document with a 50-word Author biography.

All submissions should be written in English.

Registration Results
Abstract Submission until January 22nd, 2018 February 09th, 2018
Payment until February 19th, 2018 (Lowest fees)

To start the proposal submission, select the options below:

Individual Submission     Panel

Conference and camp fees

Attendant from Latin America countries (Brazilian Real)

Type Early registration (by February 19th) Not so Early registration (by March 30th) Late registration (from March 30th to June 1st) from June 4th to June 15th
Conference Regular* R$200,00 R$230,00 R$250,00 R$300,00
Conference Students* R$120,00 R$120,00 R$120,00 R$120,00
Camp Regular** R$200,00 R$200,00 R$200,00 -
Camp Students** R$120,00 R$120,00 R$120,00 -
Conference and Camp Regular*** R$300,00 R$350,00 R$400,00 -
Conference and Camp Students*** R$200,00 R$200,00 R$200,00 -

Inscription payment
Selecione a opção abaixo

* Including coffee-breaks (6), lunches (3), conference pack and annual subscription of Deleuze Studies Journal online.
** Including coffee-breaks and lunches.
*** Including coffee-breaks, lunches, conference pack and annual subscription of Deleuze Studies Journal online.

The payment fees will be processed by Associação de Leitura do Brasil (ALB), co-organizer of the conference.

Attendant from Other countries Attendant from Latin America countries (American Dolar)

Type Early registration (by February 19th) Not so Early registration (by March 30th) Late registration (from March 30th to June 1st) from June 4th to June 15th
Conference Regular* U$200,00 U$230,00 U$250,00 U$300,00
Conference Students* U$120,00 U$120,00 U$120,00 U$120,00
Camp Regular** U$200,00 U$200,00 U$200,00 -
Camp Students** U$120,00 U$120,00 U$120,00 -
Conference and Camp Regular*** U$300,00 U$350,00 U$400,00 -
Conference and Camp Students*** U$200,00 U$200,00 U$200,00 -

Inscription payment
Select the option below:

* Including coffee-breaks (6), lunches (3), conference pack and annual subscription of Deleuze Studies Journal online and print.
** Including coffee-breaks and lunches.
*** Including coffee-breaks, lunches, conference pack and annual subscription of Deleuze Studies Journal online and print.

The payment fees will be processed by Associação de Leitura do Brasil (ALB), co-organizer of the conference.


One-week intensive course, taking place between June 18th and 22nd , 2018, at the School of Education, University of Campinas. For undergraduate, graduate students, researchers and University professors, the Camp will include classes and other activities conducted by Brazilian and foreign guests.

Registration Form

Cut-off February, 28th


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Phone: (19) 3521-2809 / 3521-2810 / 3521-2811
Adress: Avenida Érico Veríssimo, 1251, Unicamp, Barão Geraldo

Phone: (19) 3325-0097
Adress: Rua Germano Casellatto, 199 - Jardim Santa Genebra II (Barao Geraldo)

Phone: (19) 9172-7072, (19) 2121-0925 e (19) 3288-0912
Adress: Rua Jean Nassif Mokarzel, 201 - Barão Geraldo

Phone: (19) 3517-8500
Adress: Rua Geraldo Ballone, 110 - Jardim América, Paulínia/SP

Phone: (19) 3749-8500 / 3749-8505
Adress: Avenida Albino José Barbosa de Oliveira, 1700, Barão Geraldo

Phone: (19) 3731-2300
Adress: Av Aquidaban, 440, Centro

Phone: (19) 3755-8000
Adress: Avenida José de Souza Campos, 425, Cambuí

Phone: (19) 2137-9000
Adress: Rua Embiruçu, 300, Alphaville, Campinas

Phone: (19) 3753-8000
Adress: Rua Severo Penteado, 140, Cambuí, Campinas

Phone: (19) 2137-2200
Adress: Rua Dr. Carlos Grimaldi, 1653, Jd. Conceição, Campinas

Phone: (19) 3255-6730
Adress: Julio de Mesquita 139, Cambui, Campinas

Phone: (19) 3733-7700
Adress: Avenida Aquidaban, 400, Centro, Campinas


Adress: Rua Maria Tereza Dias da Silva, 530
Phone: 3289-3338

Adress:Av. Dr. Romeu Tórtima, 285
Phone: (19) 3289-2581

Adress: Rua Maria Tereza Dias da Silva, 288
Phone: 3289-3261

Adress: Rua Maria Ferreira Antunes, 123
Phone 3289-3131

Adress: Av. Albino J. B. de Oliveira, 1556 - Tilli Center
Phone: 3201-8410

Adress: Av. Albino J. B. de Oliveira, 1430
Phone: 3289-0318

Adress: Av. Prof. Atílio Martini, 939
Phone: 3289-4453

Adress: Av. Albino J. B. Oliveira, 576
Phone: 3289-5369

Adress: Av. Albino J. B. Oliveira, 511
Phone: 3789-6300
Buffet variado por quilo

Adress: Av. J. B. Oliveira, 271
Phone: 3289-1511

Adress: Av. Dr. Romeu Tórtima, 165
Phone: 3289-1484

Adress: Av. Dr. Romeu Tórtima, 304
Phone: 3249-1264

Adress: Av. Doutor Romeu Tórtima, 1500
Phone: 3289-9073

Adress: R. Roxo Moreira, 1644

Adress: R. Roxo Moreira, 1344
Phone: 3289-7920

Airport Transportation

From GRU-Airport
There is a bus that will take you to the Campinas Bus Station. The schedules and values can be found on the Lira Bus.

From Viracopos Airport
There is a bus that will take you to the Campinas Bus Station. The schedules and values can be found on the Lira Bus.

Public Transportation

From the Bus Station of Campinas to Unicamp
There are several lines that take the route from the Campinas Bus Station to Unicamp:

3.32 - Rodoviária - Unicamp - From the Bus Station of Campinas to Unicamp. It runs from 6am to 11pm, every half hour, every day.
3.30 - Terminal Central- Unicamp - From the Central Terminal of Campinas to Unicamp. It works from 6am to 9:30 am and from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., every 15 minutes, from Monday to Friday.
3.31 - Rodoviária - Terminal Barão Geraldo - From the bus station in Campinas to the Terminal Barão Geraldo. To get to Unicamp, take line 3.37 at Terminal Barão Geraldo. It is not necessary to pay one more ticket. It runs from 5:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., every 20 minutes, every day.
3.33 - Terminal Central - Terminal Barão Geraldo - Do Terminal Central de Campinas ao Terminal Barão Geraldo. Para chegar à Unicamp, deve pegar a linha 3.37 no Terminal Barão Geraldo. Não é necessário pagar mais uma passagem. Funciona das 5h30 às 23h30, a cada 10 minutos, todos os dias.
3.29 - Terminal Barão Geraldo - Unicamp (circular) - From the Central Terminal of Campinas to the Terminal Barão Geraldo. To get to Unicamp, take line 3.37 at Terminal Barão Geraldo. It is not necessary to pay one more ticket. It works from 5:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., every 10 minutes, every day.

To consult al the lines and schedules access EMDEC.


Taxi point in Barão Geraldo
Phone: (19) 3289-3300


Internal Unicamp Transportation
Unicamp has two free internal circular bus routes. Information and schedule available on the UNITRANSP.


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Conference Committee

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Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Rodrigues de Amorim - FE/Unicamp

Conference Committee

Prof. Dr. Sílvio Gallo - FE/Unicamp
Prof. Dr. Wenceslao Machado de Oliveira Jr - FE/Unicamp
Profa. Dra. Alik Wunder – FE/Unicamp
Dra. Susana Oliveira Dias – Labjor/IEL/Unicamp
Profa. Dra. Gabriela Tebet – FE/Unicamp
Profa. Dra. Alexandrina Monteiro – FE/Unicamp
Profa. Dra. Davina Marques – IFSP - Hortolândia
Prof. Ms. Marcus Novaes – FE/Unicamp
Prof. Dr. Luiz Benedicto Lacerda Orlandi – IFCH/Unicamp
Prof. Dr. Alexandre Filordi de Carvalho – Unifesp
Prof. Dr. Cesar Donizetti Leite – Unesp – Rio Claro
Prof. Dr. Ian Buchanan – University of Wollongong – Austrália
Prof. Dr. Patricio Alfonso Landaeta Mardones - Centro de Estudios Avanzados. Universidad de Playa Ancha - Chile

Scientific Advisory Board

Alda Regina Tognini Romaguera (UNISO)
Ana Godinho (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
Ana Maria Hoepers Preve (UDESC)
Anne Sauvagnargues (Université Paris- Nanterre, França)
Carlos Eduardo Ferraço (UFES)
Catarina Pombo Nabais (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Daniel Soares Lins (UFC)
Daniela Angelucci (Roma Tre University, Itália)
David Martin-Jones (University of Glasgow/Scotland)
Elenise Cristina Pires de Andrade (UEFS)
Emine Görgül (Istambul Technical University, Turquia)
Giovana Scareli (UFSJ)
Henrique Parra (UNIFESP)
Ian Buchanan (University of Wollongong, Austrália)
Kátia Kasper (UFPR)
Jane Newland (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada)
Juliana Bom-Tempo (UFU)
Leandro Belinaso Guimarães (UFSC)
Marcos Antonio dos Santos Reigota (PPGE- UNISO)
Maria dos Remédios Britto (UFPA)
Markus Bohlmann (Seneca College, Canada)
Pasi Valiäho (University of Oslo, Noruega)
Renata Lima Aspis (UFMG)
Koichiro Kokubun (Takasaki City University of Economics, Japan)

Technical Support

Duini Magalhães Redondo (Secretaria de Extensão e Eventos)
Thais Rodrigues Marin (Secretaria de Pesquisa)

Organizing institutions of the event

Audiovisual studies laboratory – OLHO/FE-UNICAMP
Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa Diferenças e Subjetividades em Educação: Estudos surdos, das questões raciais, de gênero e da infância – DiS/FE-UNICAMP [Differences and Subjectivities in Education Research group: deaf studies, racial issues, gender and childhood – DiS/FE- University of Campinas]
Grupo PHALA - Grupo de Pesquisa em Educação, Linguagem e Práticas Culturais [PHALA Research group in Education, Language and Cultural Practices]
Post graduation program in Education – FE/ University of Campinas –Language and Art in Education research line
Master Degree program in scientific and cultural promotion – IEL/ University of Campinas
Federal Institute of São Paulo – Hortolândia campus
Laboratório de Estudos Avançados em Jornalismo - Labjor/ University of Campinas [Laboratory of Advanced Studies in Journalism - Labjor/ University of Campinas]
Associação de Leitura do Brasil – ALB [Brazilian Reading Association]

Institutional partnerships

Deleuze Studies Journal – Edinburg University Press
